Welcome to the world of Easyl Engraving!
Easyl Engraving was founded by three friends and former colleagues who wanted to do something different from corporate IT and business. In early 2022, after navigating a number of “opportunities” with corporate careers, we decided to take the leap. With over 90 years of combined experience in custom product manufacturing across a number of organizations, we learned what we believe is the most important aspect of business - the customer.
Taking our desire to focus on the needs of our customer combined with our love of custom products and the creative process, we launched Easyl Engraving. Our mission is to create customized and unique engraved and laser cut products, make the process easy and worry-free for our customers, and have fun doing it together.
At Easyl Engraving, we focus on three core goals:
Thrill every customer with our products and service
While we recognize that no one is perfect, we still focus on that being our goal. A wise friend once shared the following: “If we shoot for good and hit it, we achieve mediocrity; if we shoot for perfection and miss slightly, we achieve excellence”. That is why we strive to go beyond just “good customer satisfaction” and set our sights on customers who are thrilled with doing business with us. While we may not always achieve this, by setting this as our goal we will hopefully still achieve excellent customer satisfaction even when we do miss the mark.
Make a positive impact on our communities
With success comes responsibility. We recognize that our business is not on an island, but an integral part of the communities in which we are located. We believe that it is important for us to give back a portion of our profits to organizations and ministries that have a positive impact on those communities. We believe that a key measure of our “success” is how much we can help others thrive.
Invest in the success of our team members
One of the most overused and abused sayings is “Our employees are our greatest resource”. We don’t see our team members as “resources”, but incredible human beings that we get to work with, grow with, and serve with. Raw materials and machinery are “resources”; our team members are people with families, dreams, challenges, and lives. Our goal is to invest in them to ensure their success, and to be prepared to maximize every opportunity that comes their way, even if that opportunity is beyond our company. We strongly believe that the more successful we can make our team members, the more successful we will be.